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Cookies Policy

1. Object of the Cookies Policy  

The société anonyme registered as “ATHENS MEDICAL CENTER S.A., based in Greece, at 5-7 Distomou Str., Marousi, Attica, with Electronic Commercial Registry (GEMI) Number 000356301000 (hereinafter the “Company”, “we”, “our”, “ours”), guarantees respect for your personal confidentiality when browsing the website (, hereinafter the “Website”, to connect to the TeleHospital platform. 

This Policy provides information on the types of cookies and related technologies we use, the information we collect with these, and how they are used by the Company when you visit the Website. 

2. What cookies are  

Cookies are small data files which a website such as ours can install and store on your computer or portable terminal device (tablet, smartphone, laptop). Cookies allow the website to remember your actions while navigating. 

The use of cookies as trackers is supported by various browsers, such as Google, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, Brave, and others. If you wish, you can deactivate them so they are not accepted, or even to delete them after use. 

3. Cookie functions  

Depending on their type, cookies serve as visitor counters on the website, registering the number of visitors, language, login time, geographic origin, device identifiers (e.g. operating system, screen resolution, etc.), key words you used, and login attempts, among others. Some cookies are personal data and others are not. Some cookies are technically essential, while others fulfil commercial and advertising purposes. 

4. Types of cookies  

There are various types of cookies: functional, technical, user identifiers, advertising, etc. The cookies of the website being viewed are installed by the website/webpage you visit and are readable only by it. 

If the Website uses external third-party services, their own cookies are also installed on your device, so-called third-party cookies (such as Google Analytics, Facebook, etc.).  Persistent cookies are those stored on your device and which are not automatically deleted when you close your browser.  

Each time you visit our Website, you will be asked to accept or reject the cookies we use. If you intentionally opt to accept them, our Website will remember your preferences (such as username, language) for a specified period of time. In this way, you will not need to enter this information each time you browse our Website during the same visit/session. 

5. Legal framework for use and storage of cookies 

The installation and use of cookies is governed by the provisions of Article 4 par. 5 of Greek Law 3471/2006, transposing European Directive 2002/58/EC (ePrivacy Directive), which is expected to be replaced by a related ePrivacy Regulation and will likely result in changes to this Policy. Aside from technical cookies, each website is permitted to install other cookie categories only if you, as User, opt in and provide express consent (as per the terms of GDPR 2016/679) and in accordance with the guidelines of the supervisory authority (Data Protection Authority-DPA), following clear and extensive notice about such installation, its usefulness, the implications of refusing for user experience, the purpose of processing, exercising the right of access and potential recipients of the data. This consent may be given through appropriate settings on the web browser or through another application. To that end, we provide you with the following detailed notice regarding the cookies used on the Website. 

6. Cookies we use 


We do not use cookies and related technologies during the use of the TeleHospital application. 


Category Name Type Purpose  Usefulness Duration Provider Status 
Technical Vida24_session Per session Managing data for each user login Per session Vidavo ON 
Technical PHPSESSID Per session Session cookie preselected by the programming language in use Per session Vidavo ON 
Technical XSRF-TOKEN Per session Used to securely store data from application forms in the database Per session Vidavo ON 
Technical Laravel_session Per session Session cookie preselected by the programming platform (framework) in use Per session Vidavo ON 

7. Third-party cookies 

The Website displays content from external providers, such as Google Analytics, YouTube, Facebook, X (former Twitter) and LinkedIn. To display third-party content, you must first accept the terms and conditions of the external third-party providers. These include the third-party policy on collecting cookies, which is out of our control. If you do not display the specific content, third-party cookies will not be installed on your device. 

Specifically, we use social media to promote the Company’s work and services through widely used, modern channels. The use of social media by the Company is specifically noted on our Website with the respective plugin icons. For example, you can watch informational videos by health professionals staffing our Company hospitals, which we post on our corporate YouTube channel, and follow our links to X (former Twitter) and LinkedIn from our Website. 

The Company strongly encourages users to consult the respective policy of any third party (e.g. search engine companies, social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) to learn about the practices they follow to protect their personal data. 

Lastly, the Company Website may display material with advertising/informational content, purpose or character. The Company is not liable to Users/Visitors or any third party for any unlawful act or omission, inaccuracy or failure to comply with the laws and regulations of any country or the European Union relative to the content of these items of information. The Company is not obliged to review and does not review the legitimacy or lack thereof of informational materials displayed on said Website and it is therefore not possible to assign it any form of liability. Such liability belongs to the advertisers, sponsors and/or creators of the displayed advertising material. 

8. Obtaining visitor/user consent 

The Website of the Company, aside from technical cookies, for which your prior consent is not required, uses preference, statistical and advertising cookies only by prior consent. However, it is not mandatory to accept cookies in order to enter and interact with our Website. You can browse freely, reviewing and accepting all or part of the cookies used, whether they are ours, or from third parties, the user policy of which is determined solely by them (third-party providers), without our involvement or legal liability. 

9. Review and deletion of cookies 

You can review and/or delete cookies at any time, as you wish. The cookie control panel provides easy access to the acceptance button for each cookie type with detailed information about it, along with a link to this Cookies Policy on the Website, where users can read all the necessary information to help them decide whether to consent to the installation of each type of cookie or not. Disabling cookies and other trackers is just as easy as accepting them at any time.  

You can also delete all cookies that are already on your computer, and to adjust the settings on most browsers in a way that prevents the installation of cookies.  However, in such cases, you may need to adapt certain preferences yourself each time you visit a website, and it may mean that some services (e.g. stored login information, website preferences, etc.) may not function.  

Additional information is available for each browser type through the following links: 

To learn more about the types of cookies, visit the website:

10. Personal Data Processing 

For more information on processing of your personal data and your rights, please visit the Privacy Statement of this Company Website.  

11. Updates 

Our Company may amend and revise this Cookies Policy to adapt it to the directives of the supervisory authorities and more recent updates to legislation and case-law precedents. Updated versions of this Cookies Policy will be posted to this Company Website with the date of revision to clearly indicate whether it is the most recently updated version.  

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