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The Company “ATHENS MEDICAL CENTER S.A.”, with registered offices in Marousi, Attica, at 5-7 Distomou Str., Tax ID Number 094129169 – Athens Tax Office for SAs and General Commercial Registry (GEMI) Number 000356301000 (hereinafter the “Company”), is engaged in the healthcare industry, offering high-quality primary and secondary medical services through its state-of-the-art hospitals in Attica and Thessaloniki.  

As part of its activity, the Company has partnered with VIDAVO SA to operate and manage the TeleHospital platform (hereinafter the “Platform”) and the TeleHospital website (hereinafter the “Site”) under the terms of use detailed below, which every visitor/user is asked to read carefully.  

These terms are the terms and conditions under which the Company provides visitors/users its services through the Platform.  

 The use of the Platform implies the User’s unconditional acceptance of the following Terms of Use. Users who do not agree with the Terms of Use should not use the services and content of the Platform.  


The TeleHospital Platform offers remote telematics/teleconsultations with doctors on health issues (hereinafter “Services” and individually, the “Service”).  

By creating an account, you agree to transmit your personal data and health information through TeleHospital. In addition, you authorise TeleHospital and the Company and associated physicians, employees, contractors, business partners and/or their agents to have access, to review, to investigate, to analyse, to discuss and to process your medical and personal data, as it is necessary to provide the Service you have selected to receive.  

The information related to the Services you have selected will be used to obtain a second medical opinion, for teleconsultations with a doctor, booking a doctor’s appointment, developing a diagnostic and treatment plan, providing a cost estimate and invoicing for the service.   

The use of your personal and medical information will not exceed the stated purposes unless you authorise us to take further action. 

The services do not cover and are not provided for emergency or urgent cases. In the event of an emergency, users should phone 112 or 166 directly.  

To receive one of the above Services through the Platform, you must follow these steps: 

  1. A) Install the digital Application-Platform on your Android or iOS mobile phone or tablet, or visit the Platform on the website from your laptop or desktop computer.
  2. B) Register on the Platform by filling in the requested information.
  3. C) Read and accept the Terms of Use and verify you have been informed of the Privacy Statement. 
  4. D) Select a Service and
  5. E) Pay for the Service


To register and create an account on TeleHospital, you must be over 18 and provide the requested information. 

Specifically, to register on TeleHospital, you must first fill in your in your first and last name, your email address and mobile phone number.  The entry of your email address is essential so you can receive your username by email. You will then receive a second email which will include an extra PIN to use as a password. Then, you will be asked to accept the Terms of Use and to confirm you have been made aware of the Privacy Statement.  When entering the Platform, you will be asked to change your initial password and create a password of your choice.   

To complete your registration and creation of an account on TeleHospital, you will be asked for some additional information.  Specifically, to finish registering and creating an account on TeleHospital, you will need to fill in your father’s name, your date of birth, your sex, country of residence, city, address and post code, your unique social security number (AMKA), your ID card or passport number, and to upload a copy of your ID card with the photograph or the page in your passport that includes your photograph.  Once you have finished registering on TeleHospital and creating your account, you can select from the TeleHospital services available.  

When registering and entering your data, you accept full responsibility to provide your true and accurate information, and to make lawful use of the Platform and the services it provides.  

If the information you provide is incomplete, incorrect or misleading, you are responsible for entering it correctly on your account yourself. 

Through the registration process, you declare that you have read and understood fully these Terms and have the required contractual capacity to accept and comply with them while also stating that you do not have diminished ability to understand such matters, and that you have not been placed in judicial custody.  

By accepting these Terms of Use, you declare and guarantee that you will use the Platform in compliance with current law, good faith and fair dealing and these Terms, as well as that you will not commit acts or omissions that may cause harm or malfunction to the Platform or place the provision of Services at risk.  

You reserve the right to delete your account on the TeleHospital Platform at any time you choose.   

You will be notified that your account is automatically deleted after a period of 6 months from your last login to the TeleHospital Platform.  

If you do not agree with these Terms of Use, you should not use the Platform. 

The Company reserves the right to reject a user’s registration for any reason whatsoever.  


It is entirely your responsibility whether you use the Service or not.  

You bear responsibility for registering on and using the Platform, provided it is permitted by law in the country where you are located.   

You are solely responsible for accessing your personal account on the Platform and for safeguarding your password from unauthorised persons. We recommend changing your password regularly, and immediately in the event you suspect your personal account has been breached.  

With these Terms, you acknowledge and consent that the Service or the Physicians are not responsible for any decisions you may make based on using the Service, such as your choice of whether or not to have a test performed that was recommended based on the information you receive through the Service and advice from the Physician(s) or whether to seek healthcare from a hospital or not.  

You fully understand and agree that telematic/teleconsultation Services are not a substitute for in-person clinical examination but are exclusively of an advisory nature.  

In-person clinical examinations combined with a full medical history and diagnostic laboratory tests contribute to the correct and timely diagnosis, which in turn is essential to the treatment of a patient’s disease. 

It is your decision alone whether to seek further clinical assessment through an in-person visit to a hospital and medical examination. 

The recording/documentation of the telematic/teleconsultation Service with any means or taking snapshots is strictly forbidden. Violators will be criminally prosecuted for secretly recording or taking a snapshot.  


The telematic/teleconsultation Service is provided through the Platform remotely.  Therefore, we cannot control the correctness, accuracy or reliability of personal and medical data, information, records, etc., that you provide to the Service, nor the manner in which you, the User, use the Service.  

Though it makes every feasible effort to protect the Platform from any type of virus or harmful, destructive files and programs designed to prevent, limit or destroy the function of any software or telecommunication equipment, the Company cannot guarantee that the Service will never be infected by such malicious programs.  

 It is your sole responsibility to safeguard your software systems and hardware, and the Company is not liable in the event your electronic equipment (software and hardware) is infected by viruses or other harmful and malicious files. 


The laws that protect the confidentiality of health information and personal data also apply to telematic/teleconsultation services. Information received when accessing telematic/teleconsultation services which can identify you will not be given to any third party without your consent. All information/data you have entered on the Platform or on the Site are used only for the purpose of providing telematic/teleconsultation services, i.e. to obtain a second medical opinion, for teleconsultations with a doctor, booking a doctor’s appointment, developing a diagnostic or treatment plan, providing cost estimate and invoicing of services you have selected. By agreeing to use teleconsultation Services, you consent to TeleHospital’s use of protected personal data and information pertaining to your health. 


The Company is in no way liable for any loss and/or damages you suffer as a User and/or any third party from the temporary and/or permanent disruption of the Service. 

It may not always be possible to provide teleconsultation services. Signal disruption or problems with internet infrastructure may cause problems in transmission and reception (e.g. poor quality image or sound, dropped connection, sound interference) that prevent the effective interaction between the treating physician and the User, but for which the Company bears no responsibility.   

The Company does not guarantee that the provision of Service will be continuous, timely, secure, fault-free, or that the Service will be available at any time or place. 

The Company is not liable in the event you use the Service in an illegal, abusive or unethical manner, or in general in any manner in conflict with the law or accepted principles of morality, or which violates the rights of any third party. 

The Company is not liable for your browsing of any content and/or website and/or advertisement from any third party through the Platform/Site.  

The Company is not liable for the violation of these Terms as a result of force majeure. 


The Service may provide information about or links to third-party services. The Company is not liable for third-party services or for their information, acts or omissions. 


The intellectual property rights to the content and services of the TeleHospital Platform and the TeleHospital Site, including but not limited to the texts, photographs, graphics, commercial and financial data, programs, records of any type, trade marks/logos or Platform layout, are protected by Greek, European Community and international laws regarding intellectual property, and belong exclusively to the Company; content and services are made available to users strictly for personal use. Any copying, distribution, transfer, alteration, resale, creation of derivative work or misleading the public as to the true provider of the Platform content is prohibited.   

Any reproduction, republication, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission, or any other use of the contents of the Platform and Site in any manner or medium for commercial or other purposes is permitted only after prior written permission from the Company or any other holder of intellectual property rights. Without such permission, the above actions may constitute an infringement of the Company’s intellectual/industrial property rights. The Company reserves the right to seek compensation for any direct or consequential loss it suffers, in accordance with the provisions of Greek legislation.  

Specifically, the Platform comprises a registered domain name which has been legally assigned to the Company and is governed by applicable protective provisions regarding domain names. 


The provision of the Service is subject to the Company’s policies and procedures. 

The Company is entitled to unilaterally make amendments and/or revisions to the Terms at its absolute discretion. 


The use of the Service and these Terms of Use fall under and are interpreted on the basis of Greek legislation. 

The competent courts of Athens have exclusive jurisdiction for resolving any dispute that may arise pursuant to the use of the Platform, the Site, the general provision of Services and/or as a result of applying these Terms. 


The Company retains the unilateral right to amend or change the Service it provides through the Platform and Site, as well as to terminate the Service and use of the Platform/Site at any time, for any reason and without prior notification.  

Following the termination of the Service and/or the Platform/Site, all of the Terms herein, which by their nature are intended to remain in effect despite the termination of the Service and/or the Platform/Site, shall remain in force.  

As Data Controller, the Company retains the data (sensitive or not) which were collected and/or generated during use of the Service for as long as stipulated by Greek legislation in each case for their respective purposes.  


The invalidity of any one of these Terms of Use does not invalidate the rest. 

The Company’s or User’s failure to exercise their rights under these Terms of Use does not imply their waiver of such rights.  


For any questions regarding these Terms of Use and/or the Platform/Site, please contact us by email at   

Please do not use this email address to send your sensitive personal data.  

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